" Circular Packaging Systems

highly Sustainable and Beneficial

for Businesses and Consumers "

" Solutions that Increase

the Circularity of

Plastic Packaging "







Advanced packaging design plays a crucial role in extending product life. By using high-quality plastic materials and adopting innovative solutions, the strength and longevity of packaging can be maximized. This not only reduces resource waste, but also reduces the environmental impact associated with the production of new packaging.




Through advanced recycling and reuse systems, the useful life of plastic packaging can be extended. Packaging design that promotes recycling and material separation is crucial to optimizing the effectiveness of these technologies. Investing in these technologies helps reduce the environmental impact of plastics and conserve natural resources, promoting a more sustainable economy.




In a machining process that always maintains certain references, it is possible to practise selective material recovery of the highest quality at low cost.

Through the tracking codes on the packaging, which are always active, the System will be able to recognise, divide and sort semi-finished products by material type and colour.












Description :

In a Reusable Packaging System managing to ensure the collection of a

Product well designed for the occurrence, which is always kept mainly in good condition, which is always recoverable complete with all its elements and then that they are prepared to be regenerated in turn, or split and recycled in order to represent a second effective resource, at which point it will be easier and more efficient even the actual operation of regeneration of the main element.

Benefits :

  • -80% raw material needed
  • -15% Cost Reduction ( includes commensurate deposit premium )
  • Build consumers loyalty through deposit and reward
  • Superior and unique Design: more robust bottle and regenerable cover-label
  • Shared Infrastructure: Economies of scale can be achieved sharing deposit points and washing centers.
  • Tracking and Statistics through Heket management control software

+ efficient

and sustainable


Description :

The Increased Recycling Bottle is intended to be pressed horizontally immediately during the storage phase and according to a precise criterion, thus greatly reducing storage space. Thanks to the application of ultrasonic welding, the packaging will remain permanently compacted, exponentially reducing transport costs. The semi-finished product obtained will be lost more perfectly manageable on automatic lines, where the separation of the seal cap and the traditional label will take place, allowing a high quality recovery of secondary materials.

Benefits :

  • -90% Reduction in Volume
  • Clean Working
  • Reduction of General Processing Costs
  • Reduction of use of Energy
  • Reduction of use of Water
  • Selective Recovery of Components

+ clean

and cheap


Description :

The big problem that occurs at high attendance events is certainly a high consumption of products linked to the shortage of space for the storage of used packaging. In these conditions it is very difficult to carry out a selective and massive collection, with heavy consequences for the environment and with considerable costs of cleaning and recovery. With the Heket System, consumers will be able to find numerous and very practical points of deposit on site, bringing a considerable overall advantage.

Benefits :

  • Flexibility and speed of installation
  • High Practicality
  • Education for the Consumer
  • Cleaning and processing speed
  • Possibility of considerable density of equipment
  • Within easy reach
  • Ability to generate consumer credit

+ suitable

for crowded space



Expected increase

in Plastic

Waste by 2060

+ 200%

Current Plastic in new European products from Circular Sources


Target of Plastics from Circular Sources in new products by 2030


Growth of European Plastic

Waste Incineration Rate from 2018

+ 15%







Heket System

The Heket Packaging System Project was also developed as part of a course of study by students of the University of Genoa, winning a "pitch competition" at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, with the important collaboration of some authoritative experts in the field. Therefore, it is configured as a Study that also represents the culmination of a long tradition in Research and Innovation in the field of Packaging, particularly in the development of Special Technical Components and\or Design for the packaging of Liquid Products in Large-Scale Distribution.

Vanguard and Motivation

Nowadays, it is evident that we are at the cusp of a historical phase in which major changes in every field are on the horizon. In this context the classic Mono-use Packaging, especially Food and Beverage Packaging, which accounts for the largest number of packaging units in circulation, embodies very well the symbol of an Era that has reached its completed phase.

Regenerable Packaging

The HEKET Project certainly represents an avant-garde position in the concept of Regeneratable and Recyclable Packaging for large-scale distribution and events. It consists of a DRS (Deposit Return System) structured to achieve the highest levels of eco-sustainability and savings, functionality and safety, practicality and aesthetics, competitiveness on the market. (Liquid packaging means a wide range of commercial containers for the distribution of liquid or viscous products.)

The role of Plastics

The remanufacturing of the packaging brought to newness and reintroduced into the commercial distribution cycle greatly narrows the choice of materials, which must bear all those characteristics that most limit the possibility of damage and speed of deterioration, as well as facilitate the least economic burden in terms of logistics \ transportation (weight) and, at the end of the various and greatest possible cycles of reuse, can also be easily recycled and at low cost.

Technology & Digital

In an Advanced Recovery, Regeneration and Recycling Process, every minimal aspect must be organized in such a way as to be able to offer practical, exclusive and superior facilitations, together with incentives that reward or adequately favor all the participating actors: from the Collector, to the Manager, to the Packager. The constant and complete tracking of the packaging along the entire chain determines the basis that allows you to plan in the most functional and effective way every step of the process.

Engineering & Automation

The competitiveness of a Packaging Solution aimed at reducing environmental impact, assumes a careful selection of the best technological, engineering and digital innovations, therefore the Heket System, before even searching for a highly Sustainable Packaging System, has sought a highly competitive packaging system, achieved thanks to constant updating, expertise and inventiveness in Design, with the aim of obtaining the greatest advantages in the simplest and safest way ever seen before, aiming for exclusive, unconventional and highly efficient solutions through scientific methods.

Concept Design

A Regeneration Recovery system must include durable objects, however the consequent need for greater thicknesses and therefore greater mass of material used to make them such, has no impact on the direct environmental impact nor on the system economy, primarily as a representative aspect of an immediately recognizable and exchangeable value, thus reducing exponentially the probability of abandonment by the consumer, then having a very low impact on production costs ( periodic stamping of pieces to be replaced whose recovery of the material will always be of the highest quality being the elements already separated and cleaned ) and transport, but allowing to make the product as well as easily regeneratable and recyclable, also much more robust, Performance and stable, attractive and tangible value expression.

Industrial Philosophy

All the components of a Regenerative packaging designed for large-scale retail, as well as all the characteristic aspects of the System, can only correspond to strongly interrelated elements, designed with the method of a highly harmonized overview.


The purpose of the Design Study undertaken has therefore set as its focal goal to overcome the concept of packaging "Waste", understood as a product that at the end of the cycle becomes an object for landfill or "dirty" recycling, by transforming it into a concept of "Good" that is maintained as long as possible over time, that can be regenerated many times and is also easily recyclable, and finally that is immediately convertible into credits by users at each end of the cycle, through appropriate deposit at collection points, as well as adequately remunerated.

Functions of the Regenerable Label-Cover

Dimming function for automatic handling and support for markings. Function to toughen and stiffen the bottle to achieve greater durability, while still leaving the contents always visible at the top in the case of a covering cover. It certainly increases the number of regeneration cycles and allows a large part of the bottle body to be made thinner with all the processing advantages. Sunlight and heat protection function for bottle and contents, making performance superior to any similar container. Regenerable and reconditionable permanent label function that is more environmentally friendly and in the long run much cheaper. Function as a bottle height equalizer e.g., between round and polygonal formats that have different capacities for the same overall dimensions. The same applies to compensating different cap heights, e.g., in versions with or without a pourer. In this way a packer can switch between the two formats without having to adjust line height. Distinguishing function and immediate recognizability from traditional bottles. Increased perception of the value of the packaging in harmonization with the Remuneration share at the depot. Justifies higher quality prints and keeps the 'direct printing and marking operation separate from the actual container, avoiding chemical contamination in case of food use. Control and modulation function of empty bottle weight and center of gravity, for better in-line management. Allows finalizing the recovery and material recycling of seal caps that are never regenerable. Protects against shocks in the storage phase, which is done by means of special pneumatic conveying apparatus. Classifies the kind of package contents by color.


The Caps of Heket Bottles

They must be conveniently "tethered", that is, with cap attached to the seal ring, so that it can be fully recovered to recycle the material, in this regard it can be conformed with more mass and be more robust than common standards, to be printed within safer quality margins even in the presence of high percentages of regranulated material, and to better facilitate separation operations, also resulting in more performance and ergonomic. You will then get the recovery of material already selected for type and color and excellent quality.

Deposit \ Collection System

It represents an extremely strategic factor of the system and therefore must bear a whole series of practical advantages and simplifications for the consumer, as well as collecting all the necessary data that associate the same consumer with the packaging he/she deposits. It must be as simple and economical a structure as possible, but above all it must ensure that only and exclusively the relevant packaging can be introduced inside, avoiding any kind of contamination. Pneumatic Transport is particularly suited to best fulfill this function.

Categories of Products

At the base of the system there must be a clear separation between containers for food products and those for chemical products. The impossibility of interference between the two kinds of packaging is determined primarily by completely different conformations and thus different sizes of even the specific devices of the dedicated storage apparatuses.

 Product Identity Management 

The concept behind our Reusable Packaging System is that each packaging must always be filled with the same product contained for all cycles. To obtain this result, the packaging must be sorted and divided according to the label and then the product it represents. To manage hundreds of instances it is necessary to provide an exit from the regeneration plant a modular structure whose primary component is located in a slide and a palletizer to be assigned to a certain brand or label in dynamic mode. An extremely strategic and fundamental aspect of the System, solved in the utmost simplicity.

Management Control Software 

Heket software enables real-time monitoring of any aspect of processing, as well as business comparisons against market offers or quotations, energy and raw material prices, maintenance scheduling, and the generation of statistics and forecasts.

Heket DRS System for Reuse

Short animated graphic simulation of the collection and regeneration process of reusable containers in particular.

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